To use HTML styling, you put an “opening tag” (e.g., <b>
) just before the start of the text you want to style, and put the corresponding “closing tag” (e.g., </b>
) at the end of the text.
Take for example, the following sentence:
I think there should be four boxes in Table 3
If you want to highlight the word “four” in bold, you would put an opening and closing <b>
tag around the word, i.e.
I think there should be <b>four</b> boxes in Table 3
This will then look like this:
I think there should be four boxes in Table 3
Remember to include the closing tags at the end of the text you are styling, or else the HTML effect will be applied to all of the rest of the text!
To highlight some words in your comment, you can use the <i>, <b> or <strike>
For example,
I think there should be <i>four</i> boxes in Table 3
⇒ I think there should be four boxes in Table 3I think there should be <strike>four</strike> boxes in Table 3
⇒ I think there should befourboxes in Table 3I think there should be <b>four</b> boxes in Table 3
⇒ I think there should be four boxes in Table 3
In a similar way, you can use the <blockquote>
insert quote here </blockquote>
tags for quotations.
For example,
<blockquote>"If you have an apple and I have an apple, and we swap apples — we each end up with only one apple. But if you and I have an idea and we swap ideas — we each end up with two ideas." — Charles F. Brannan, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture (1949)</blockquote>
will look like this:
“If you have an apple and I have an apple, and we swap apples — we each end up with only one apple. But if you and I have an idea and we swap ideas — we each end up with two ideas.” — Charles F. Brannan, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture (1949)
And you can use the <code>
insert code here </code>
tags when referencing computer code.
For example,
<code>print “Hello World!”</code>
will look like this:
print "Hello World!"
If you want to refer to a website, you can use the <a href="">
opening tag and the </a>
closing tag, and put the name of your website in between the two quote marks.
For example,
<a href="">Useful website</a>
will provide a link to the website when you click on the words Useful website.
However, if you include more than 2 links in your comment then your comment will not be published until it has been checked by the OPRJ staff. This is to make sure you’re not posting “comment spam”.
If you are using acronyms or abbreviations, use the <abbr title="">
opening tag and the </abbr>
closing tag to show the full term if a reader hovers their mouse over the acronym:
<abbr title="Hyper Text Markup Language">HTML</abbr>
In your review/comment, you can use any of the following HTML tags and attributes: <a href="" title=""> <abbr title=""> <acronym title=""> <b> <blockquote cite=""> <cite> <code> <del datetime=""> <em> <i> <q cite=""> <strike> <strong>
If you want to learn more about HTML, you can find several tutorials online, e.g., HTML Dog,, or